On School days, we limit the use of electronics. This is Monday- Thursday. On Fridays after school and Saturdays are the cool days they get to use electronics. There are some restrictions such as bad grades, not great behavior, and especially is chores are not done.
Since we have made this rule, we've seen more bonding time with the kids. We have seen the kids explore and encourage them to go outside, ride bikes, meet up with friends and play games. This time the kids were playing the game Battle Ship together. They were having so much fun pranking each other and trying to win the game. It has been so fun to see them motivated to getting their chores and homework finished so they can have more free time.
(Notice Mckay stacking his boats on top of each other. This was funny.)
Tanner thought he was so clever getting his boats on the edges of the board. :)
These are the best memories by boys will remember playing. They have been getting along better and having more fun, especially without so much screen time. Mckay recieved this game from the Burn Unit when he fell in a fire pit a couple years ago. We will share about that another time. By the way, Tanner won the game.