blog description

Welcome to my blog! I am glad you stopped by. I created this blog to share my journaling experiences with raising 5 beautiful and busy children. 4 of my children are loving siblings to our youngest who has Unexplained Epilepsy and Special Needs. Regardless of our trials, I want all my children to have a great life.

#epilepsy #specialneedssiblings #specialneedskids #specialneedsmom #lennoxgastautsyndrome #seizuressuck #educateaboutepilepsy

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Battle Ship

On School days, we limit the use of electronics. This is Monday- Thursday. On Fridays after school and Saturdays are the cool days they get to use electronics. There are some restrictions such as bad grades, not great behavior, and especially is chores are not done. 

Since we have made this rule, we've seen more bonding time with the kids. We have seen the kids explore and encourage them to go outside, ride bikes, meet up with friends and play games. This time the kids were playing the game Battle Ship together. They were having so much fun pranking each other and trying to win the game. It has been so fun to see them motivated to getting their chores and homework finished so they can have more free time. 

(Notice Mckay stacking his boats on top of each other. This was funny.) 

 Tanner thought he was so clever getting his boats on the edges of the board. :)

These are the best memories by boys will remember playing. They have been getting along better and having more fun, especially without so much screen time.  Mckay recieved this game from the Burn Unit when he fell in a fire pit a couple years ago.  We will share about that another time. By the way, Tanner won the game. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A good - Busy Two Weeks

(Levi and I relaxing in my bed. This paticular day was hard. He missed school and we were all fighting off the flu)

(On the way home from the Chiropractor, #braydensleeps.  Mckay is a great photo bomber!)

(My Selfie.)

(Brayden and his school team won their last soccer game)

(Brooklyn sprained her ACL and MCL and had a bone bruise) 
She hurt her knee from soccer warm ups on a crappy field.

(Brooklyn and her friend Maia went and served a few hours at the Bishops Store House)

(Brooklyn had requested a picture with Levi. Levi was having fun using crutches for fun. It was a good fun time for them to have fun together.

This is how I felt. I was overwhelmed after a long two weeks and I just wanted to sleep for more then 4 hours. I was just wanting and needing my bed.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sea Life Aquarium & Legoland Discovery Center

Brooklyn, Tanner, Mckay, Levi and I went to the Sealife Aquarium and Legoloand Discovery Center with Hope kids.  I was so glad I had Brooklyn's help, the kids were able to run off on their own while I tagged along with Levi. They were able to participate in a lot more activities together and off on their own as I was with Levi. I am thankful for Brooklyn staying with Mckay and Tanner and enjoying themselves. This will be a memory they will never forget. Thank you Hope Kids for your generousity. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

New Years Eve with Phoenix Suns

(We are sitting in our stands watching the Phoenix Suns game for New Years Eve with the younger kids)

When Levi was struggling sitting in the stands and keeping to himself, we ended up going to the gorilla's playground and playing. It was so much easier and nicer to enjoy each others company. We enjoyed watching the kids play and run. Thank you Hope Kids for setting this up so we could attend.


                                                                 (pictures from our doctor appointment) Yearly Appointments, we all know wha...