You might have a friend or a family member that has a child
with Special Needs. You might feel disconnected with their life and want to try
to feel the gaps with trying to be in their lives more. You might feel like you’re
not sure what to do, but you want to help. I promise if you ask the parents of
the Special Needs child how to help, they will give you the best advice of how
to connect with the child, because they live this life every day. I promise if
you ask with a kind heart and soft words, your love will feel appreciated. We
as parents, can give you tips and advice that has worked with Levi and
most likely will work for you too. I have created a list that works at our
house. We use this same list when the siblings talk with Levi and when
we want to interact with Levi.
Please understand that a Special Needs child will not accommodate
to you, and adjust to what you need. You are the adult and you will need to
accommodate to the child. This is not a request that works for the adult, it
simply is what works for the child.
*Ask the child how they’re doing today.
“Hi Levi, how was
your day today?”
*Ask the child if they have a favorite stuffed animal.
I heard your favorite stuffed animal is named Stuffy. Can you show me him?”
*Ask the child what their favorite toy is. Ask them to show
you the toy.
“Levi, I heard you love trains. Can you show them to me?”
*Sit down and speak to them at their eye level, show you care
with a loving tone of voice.
Be patient and listen to them.
*If they have a pet, ask them about their pet.
“Levi, I
heard you have two turtles. Can you show me them?”
“Oh he is so cute, I bet he
makes you happy.”
Please keep in mind that children with Special Needs gets
over stimulated easily and can have melt downs. They might not answer you when
you’re wanting feedback right away. Be patient and try again. Make sure not to pry too much, there is a
fine line before you over stimulate them. If you want to interact with them,
play with them. It could look like building legos together, tossing a squishy
ball together, playing with trains together. Ask the parents for more ideas.
Trust me, it will mean the world to
the child if you play with them. It will help heal hard hearts, it will make
you feel good that you served the family, and it will make the child feel so
(Brayden is carrying Levi around on Christmas Eve when we visited the Temple Lights. Do you see that smile on Levi's face, he is so happy).
"But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest..."
Luke 6:35
"Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord".
Leviticus 19:18
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